Dramatic plot structure

Here is the info you need to complete the outline for the plot of your novel. Remember to fill it in with the information from YOUR story.

I. Introduction
a. what is the setting of your story? where and when does it take place?
b. who are the main characters?
c. will you foreshadow (give some kind of hint) at what is going to come?

II. Rising action
a. develop the main character or characters
b. What do they want? why do they want it? what do they care about and why?

III. Climax
a. the most important event in the story
b. the turning point for the character or main characters

IV. Falling action
a. what are the direct results of the climax?
b. what are the main character's reactions?

V. Resolution
a. what have the characters learned? how has it affected them?
b. what will the characters do now? what will the characters do next?